Fathering Project Update

We have subscribed to the fathering project weekly tips newsletter.

We will start to send out the weekly tips either via newsletters, or Facebook or via our very own preschool app. They are a great way to remind ourselves to be present with our families and put our best foot forward at all times.

Here is this weeks tip. 

Your attention…kids v phone by Justin Langer 

  • Parents actually have reasons to look at their phones all day, eg: checking emails, messaging, scheduling works etc.
  • The attention we devote to our phones has a large impact on our family relationships
  • Parents should model a good behavior on the use of smartphones
  • Adopt smartphone rules at home
  • Use the’do not disturb’ setting on your phone during family time

“Demonstrate your own mindfulness in front of your children by putting down your phone during meals or whenever they need your attention.” – David Hill 

We will be announcing our first preschool Fathering Project event very soon………watch this space.

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