Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is very important to us at preschool.

We love to hear your  family activities and also what you think about our preschool to help us. We have several ways of asking for this information and we would really like to involve every family.

Some of these ways include: 

  1. We have conversation starter forms next to the sign in sheets every day. If you have done something between preschool days that you think your child might like to share with their friends and educators please add it to the conversation starters list. We have great explorations and learning that has come directly from these little snippets where the children become curious and want to know more.
  2. We also conduct parent surveys from time to time. These may be informal chats in the foyer/classroom with educators or a more formal written survey that is quite short with a few questions on an area that the staff are currently looking at further developing or a longer one. e.g. reflecting on our transition to school practices or our service as a whole.
  3. We might from time to time ask your professional opinion on an area that you have particular skills in such as firefighting ( how can we improve our emergency drills), or IT (what is the best program to help us to do something), primary teacher (how are children currently taught their ABC’s) etc

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